Hi there!

I am Magnus Hem
I am a 24 year old bachelor in Computer Science studying my masters at Aalborg University (AAU), currently on the hunt for a part time job. Welcome to my portfolio! Here you will find some of the projects I have made, some of which were made in a group at Aalborg University (AAU), and some made in my own spear time or you can get to know me on the FAQ page. On the current page you can see my work experience, education, skills and competences, however, this does not necessarily cover all of the knowledge an competences I have acquired while studying. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
Work Experience
- Responz (before Jysk Telemarketing) (October 2019 - February 2022) - Customer and sales service assistant, specialising in wired- and wireless broadband
- My key responsibilities were customer service and sales at first, after 6 months I was moved to the broadband support team where the main responsibility was to provide support for existing customers who experienced problems with their broadband connection.
- Bachelor in Computer Science, Aalborg University (2021-2024)
- Master in Computer Science, Aalborg University (2024-2026)
Skills and Competences
- Experience with the programming languages Java, C#, JavaScript, C, HTML, Python and CSS
- Basic knowledge about databases and SQL
- Experiences with software engineering in cooperation with a team
- The ability to work in teams and communicate efficiently with colleagues and customers
- Analytical way of thinking and problem-solving abilities
Get in touch
I am currently looking for a job, so if your in need of my expertise feel free to get in touch and send a mail and I will get back to you.