University Projects

  • Intelligent Wastemangment (1st Semester, Sep. 2021 - Dec. 2021)

In this project I learned the basics of working in a team and learned how to work with problem based learning. I also learned the basics of programming.

  • Visualization of Algorithms and Data Structures (2nd Semester, Jan. 2022 - May 2022)

In this project I learned to work with algorithms and compose effective code. I also started learning different programming languages and get a better understanding of programming.

  • Sales Management System for Dialægt (3rd Semester, Sep. 2022 - Dec. 2022)

In this project I learned how to work with object oriented programming and complex systems. I got experience with developing more advance programs. I also learned to work with professional partners as this project was in collaboration with Dialægt (Poster & Frame)

  • Arduino Concurrent Extension (4th Semester, Jan. 2023 - May 2023)

In this project I learned how to work design, define and implement a programming language. I got to know how a computer works on a deeper level and learned how to work with a Arduino.

  • Sentiment Analysis and Effects of Preprocessing (5th Semester, Sep. 2023 - Dec 2023)

In this project I learned how to work with machine learning and evaluation of agents. I got to test and experiment with some of the features that effects the agents ability to learn and worked with different classification algorithms.

Hobby Projects

Through out my time at Aalborg University I have work on small hobby-projects, so that I could learn more about different programming languages and get better at programming. Some of the projects have been released so that I can use them myself, and others have not been released or are not done yet. Such projects are available on GitHub. Check out the projects released and ready to use bellow.

Træningsmakker - TM

TM is helpful for those who have a hard time remembering how much weight the lifted last time for a given exercise. With TM one can keep track of how much weight to use on each exercise


ToDo-list is an app with a username and by typing the username you get access to a "private" todo list. This app was made to get used to using Prisma on a very basic level. There is not much privacy/security within the app, but this was not the aim of the project. The app is formatted to a normal phone as this was the primary device for the app's use case.

Java - Advent of Code 2020

ToDo-list is an app with a username and by typing the username you get access to a "private" todo list. This app was made to get used to using Prisma on a very basic level. There is not much privacy/security within the app, but this was not the aim of the project. The app is formatted to a normal phone as this was the primary device for the app's use case.